Dr. Owen Cardwell provides a unique podcast which serves as a coaching tool on the GPS for total success. In this series he shares his stories, experiences and techniques on how individuals and organizations can collaboratively work together to achieve success. Stay tuned for all the upcoming episodes.
GPS FOR TOTAL SUCCESS is curated by Dr. Owen C. Cardwell, a Civil Rights advocate who has worked throughout Virginia and at the national level, has joined the University of Lynchburg as the Rosel H. Schewel Distinguished Chair of Education. As a faculty member in the College of Education, Leadership Studies, and Counseling, Dr. Cardwell teaches in the leadership studies program and assists the Dean of the College with expanding leadership opportunities across Central Virginia and the Commonwealth. He will serve as co-director of the newly formed Center for Education and Leadership, which will contribute to the University of Lynchburg’s ongoing effort to serve the Lynchburg region with educational and leadership development programs.